Zone #4: I’m a wretch, a dirty rotten
sinner and
God is disappointed in me, therefore He won’t answer my prayers.
I wish I had a few sticks of dynamite for that one! Why does this lie hinder
our prayers? If we are a New Creation and our Creator has given us a New Heart
and a New Nature and has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and
transferred us into the Kingdom of His Beloved Son, why do we make our sins our
identity? Yes, we sin and fall short of His glory but we are NOT our sins. So
let’s confess our sins daily, even hourly, if need be, but let’s not forget
that He has removed our sins from us as far as East is from the West. We must
see ourselves as God sees us. He truly delights in us because we are clothed
with Christ’s righteousness. There is no condemnation for those who are in
Christ. Peter understood that. After he denied Jesus three times, he probably
felt like an absolute wretch.
Yet he runs to the empty tomb and later he dives into the water to be the first
one to embrace the resurrected Christ. Peter knew Jesus delighted in him. As
daughters of God, we must know that too!
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Dynamite |
Zone #5: I don’t feel like praying
right now. I’ll pray later when I feel like it. Wrong! Lord, please
remove this kind of thinking from us!!! What I usually do when this happens is
to assume that the spiritual blah I feel comes from my flesh or satan. Then I
activate my faith and stand on the Truth that I have a New Nature that loves to
be in the presence of God and loves talking to Him. And that New Nature is NOT
lukewarm towards God, It is passionate and on fire for Him! Then I start
worshiping with songs that stirs my affections for Jesus and feed my spirit,
songs that declare Truth about Him and about me. Songs have a way of bypassing
the brain and going right to the heart. I praise the Lord! I thank Him for who
He is and what He has done! I go back to the Cross and that usually does it for
me. I remember what He saved me from and soon the fog lifts and I want to be
with Him and speak to Him. Ladies please know that worship is prayer, praise is
prayer, adoration is prayer.
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Minds Under Construction Sign |
These are only a few areas
where we need the Lord to renew our minds. Having a right heart is key in praying
prayers that avail much. Ask the Lord to search your heart and sincerely assess
the vitality and effectiveness of your prayers. Apply the above concepts of
deconstruction and reconstruction as necessary. You CAN experience a more fruitful
and satisfying prayer life that will eventually become a way of life. Just as the disciples did, you can ask Jesus
to help you.
Evelyne Calton
Prayer Chairman, CBS-Rutherfordton Day Class
Originally presented as the Opening Devotion for
the CBS membership
Evelyne Calton
Prayer Chairman, CBS-Rutherfordton Day Class
Originally presented as the Opening Devotion for
the CBS membership
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