CBS History

The ministry of Community Bible Study began as an answer to the heartfelt prayer of a group of women who prayed that the Lord would provide many effective Bible Studies for people in the Washington, D.C. area. As a result of those prayers, the first Community Bible Study class began in the Fall of 1975 at Fourth Presbyterian Church in Bethesda, Maryland. Over 500 women, from many different churches, registered to study the Gospel of John. Lee Campbell, along with her husband Floyd (Corky), were used by God to found Community Bible Study and she taught that first class.

One year later, another day class began in Alexandria, Virginia, and the first co-ed evening class started in Tysons Corner, Virginia. In 1977 classes began in California, Colorado, and Tennessee. 1978 found classes opening in Alabama, Michigan, Minnesota and Illinois, and in 1979 Texas and London, England birthed classes. Without any advertising, publicity, or human planning, classes spread throughout the United States. The Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, birthplace of the first class, now has 19 classes. The Gospel of John, which was the first course written for CBS, has been supplemented by many other 30-week courses.

The Lord has truly blessed this ministry, and with grateful hearts we desire to love, to serve, and to honor Him in all that we do. Prayer gave birth to the ministry and prayer will always be a vital part of CBS. As we journey through the 21st century the mission of Community Bible Study remains:

To make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities through caring, in-depth Bible study, available to all.

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