Many of us suffer from a mediocre
prayer life. We don’t pray as often as we should or want to, and we don’t see
the results we long for. The end of the year is a great time to perform a self-examination
and decide how to proceed in the new year.
The other day I saw a friend who had
lost a lot of weight. I asked him how he had done it and he responded, “I
changed my whole way of life”. How do we make prayer our way of life? To build
a good foundation for our new and improved prayer life, we must do some remodeling
and demolish some concepts we believe about prayer and how we approach prayer.
Put on your hard hats. We’re about to enter the Demolition Zone!

Zone #2: I’m praying to the God
who’s far away up in Heaven. Another wall that needs to be smashed to
pieces. Jesus came near. He is right here in this room. He is a REAL person. He
is Emmanuel, God with us. The curtain in the temple has been torn down. John
leaned his head on Jesus' chest. Peter dove in the water and ran to embrace Him.
No one who comes to Him in all sincerity is turned away. He wants us near. He
says, “Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you
rest.” Matthew 11:28

Since we are talking about petitioning, here’s a free tip from me to you: don’t make personal prayer all about intercession. Intercession is only a part of prayer. Personally, I find intercession to be exhausting. When I pray for CBS, I know I’m coming against principalities and powers that would love to see this ministry bear no fruit. It’s war. Do you think satan wants your relatives healed, reconciled, or saved? He will try to keep and protect his turf. Intercession is messing with the enemy’s turf! It is laying hold of things that are humanly impossible. Intercession is work! And if prayer is nothing other than work, after a while, we’re going to feel weary and start to resent it. Take time to include adoration, confession and thanksgiving in your prayers as well as intercession for yourself and others.
Join us again next week as we visit three other demolition zones on our way to improving our communication skills with God.
Evelyne Calton
Prayer Chairman, CBS-Rutherfordton Class
Originally presented as the Opening Devotion for
the CBS membership
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