Monday, October 30, 2017

Amazing God

Mt. Rainier
As many of you know, I was born and raised in the state of Washington. I grew up in the city of Port Orchard, across Puget Sound from Seattle. Even prettier than the Puget Sound, are the mountain ranges that surround the state. Mt. Baker, Mt. Adams, Mt Hood, (which is in Oregon but can be seen from Washington and is in the same Cascade Range), and Mt. Rainier, my favorite mountain. Many Washingtonians still call it, "Mr. Majestic."

Today, I would like to tell you about a mountain that changed all our lives: Mount St. Helen's, when she blew her top! There was lots of fear about the unknown future, and fifty-seven precious lives were lost. So powerful was the force of unwanted, sulfurous ash, that it circled the globe twice!  That experience is something our family will never forget. 

Mount St. Helens
 Life for our family was full of unexpected events as well, some positive and others negative. A positive experience for me, was accepting Jesus Christ as my personal Savior on April 30th,1 972.  In these 45 years, we have experienced marriages, divorces, loss of a son, wayward children and grandchildren, financial ups and downs and health issues.  Yet through it all, God has been faithful.  I can still say, "Amazing God, you're still amazing me."

Starting in Community Bible Study five years ago, I have learned many things:

1)    It is very easy to just drift along if you are not solidly anchored in God.

2)    Another year I learned you can fall into complacency, and not even realize it.

3)    Last year I adopted the word "balance" for I realized I didn’t have that in my life. 

I can't wait to see what God shows me as I study Return to Jerusalem this year.

This past summer, my husband Bill and I revisited Mt. Rainier and Mount St. Helen's. What a sight to behold!  The verses in Psalms 121: 1 & 2, are so fitting:

"I lift my eyes to the mountains, where does my help come from? 

My help comes from the Lord, the Creator of Heaven and Earth."

Take a minute to listen to the Triumphant Quartet's song, "Amazing God” on You Tube to round out this devotion.

Linda McDaniel

This devotion originally presented to Leaders Council

Community Bible Study – Rutherfordton Day Class


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