Thursday, December 8, 2016

Word Gifts

    My daughter*, if you receive my words
    and treasure up my commandments with you,
making your ear attentive to wisdom
    and inclining your heart to understanding;
yes, if you call out for insight
    and raise your voice for understanding,
if you seek it like silver
    and search for it as for hidden treasures,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
    and find the knowledge of God.
Proverbs 2:1-5 ESV

I learned early in my walk with Jesus that God’s Word is a love
letter to His children.  It is sixty-six books of wonder and delight. The Bible shows us the power and awesomeness of God and brings us comfort and guidance.  It shows us how God works in the lives of ordinary people, just like us, to accomplish His will. My heart’s desire is to listen, to understand, to take the time to study and to treasure His commandments, and obey them.

Joining CBS has given me a pathway out of the desert that had become my way of life since moving to Rutherford, County.  Wednesdays have become an oasis from the storms of life, and reminded me, once again, how important words are, especially God’s word.  Being in a structured Bible study and back with sisters in Christ has been a true joy.  Being one of the new kids on the block, I was a little nervous and unsure of myself but the ladies quickly made me feel welcome. As I study, various words have stood out for me, like “persistence” and “intentional.” 

The woman who introduced me to Jesus took my hand and taught me the importance of God’s word.  Sherry took me to my first Bible Study.  She taught me to read His word every day and memorize it. Whenever I told her I didn’t understand what His Word said, she would ask me, “Did you pray before you read? Did you ask for wisdom to understand?” She inspired me to “persevere,” and the Holy Spirit would do the rest.   “Perseverance” was one of the word gifts she gave me.  She used it many times.

Since that time, I have been blessed to have many Godly women come into my life and reinforce the importance of God’s word and the “persistent” study of it.  The ladies of CBS have been part of my journey.  Through your “transparency” and love of Jesus and His Word, I have been inspired to keep going.  Through the weeks of study and the time together as a group I have been given many more word gifts and I thank you for them.  They have been a light to my path, a challenge, thought provoking and a wonderful gift.  Today I gift each of you with the word “perseverance.”  As you continue to walk with Jesus every day may you never forget that it is His mighty hand that holds you and His “perseverance” that keeps you.  His love never ends!

My prayer for us is:

Ps 119:133   Establish our footsteps in Your word, and do not let any iniquity have dominion over us.

Sharon Herzog
Treasurer, CBS Rutherfordton Day Class

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