I could
see God's work in my early life as I remembered being surrounded by a loving Christian
family, being raised in church and accepting Christ as my Savior at age seven. I
still remember His clear voice from that day. Later on, I could see God's presence
even when I was paying Him no attention at all as I exercised my
independence in
college and young adulthood. I made circles in a wilderness of my own choice for
20 years, making lots of mistakes doing it my way. God was there. I just wasn't very interested. God remained faithful
to our relationship even while I did not.
I chose to return to Him in 2000, I began to see God everywhere. He wasn't hiding.
He wants to be seen. He has always wanted to be seen and remembered. He has been
posting signs in the heavens, performing miracles, burning bushes, sending prophets
and He even sent His own son so that we can see Him for who He really is and love
Him back.
I choose to look for Him every day. He is up to something and I don't want to miss
it. He's even got His own series on primetime television! I can't wait to see what
He does next. I challenge you to make a timeline of your life. Like me, I’ll bet
you find God's footprints all over your life, too.
11:6 says, “God promises that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him."
And in Jeremiah 29:13, God says, "You will seek me and find me when you seek
me with all your heart."
Karen Long-Moore, Core Leader
Originally presented to the CBS Leadership Team
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