Thursday, October 23, 2014

Faith in Your Guide

Service Dog
Think about a guide dog or helper dog. What do you picture in your mind? Naturally, we either see a person who is blind or wonder what is wrong that a person needs a helper dog.

The person who is blind can’t tell where the curb or other obstacles are located. They can’t see the direction they are going, or their objective. They depend on their dogs to lead them, guide them, and even protect them from harm.

 People with helper dogs may be able to see externally, but do not see what is going on inside their bodies. Reasons for a service dog may be a variety of physical problems such as epilepsy, diabetes, heart conditions, etc. In these cases the dog detects or ‘sees’ that a physical episode is about to occur and warns the person. These people depend on their dogs to save their lives.

In Psalm 32:8, God says,

 Just as the blind person is completely dependent upon and has complete faith in his or her dog to lead them correctly, so we are to walk by faith and completely depend on God to be our eyes and guide us. Just as the helper dog gives a warning before a serious incident happens so the person can take appropriate action to protect them, so we are to heed God’s warnings for our lives.

What if these people doubted their service dog? What if they lived in fear that something bad might happen if they trusted and followed their dog’s actions? Life would be pretty confining and without joy or fulfillment. It’s a choice each of us must make: live by fear or live by faith.

If these people have faith in their dogs implicitly, how much more should we have complete faith in our Almighty God, the Creator of ALL.

We can’t see beyond the present, but God does. His eyesight and sense of direction are perfect. He will never lead us astray, nor cause us to stumble. He will always correctly guide.

We shouldn’t hesitate to walk by faith because God’s eyesight in better than 20/20, it’s PERFECT!

Prayer: “Lord, help me to trust your eyesight and to always walk by faith without hesitation. Amen.”
Lorna Hawley
Core Group Leader

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Lorna, for this thought-provoking illustration of Psalm 32:8.
