Friday, September 22, 2017

Return to Me

Karen Long-Moore
Core Group Leader
Return to me. 

God calls to us just as he called the Israelites home to Him from Babylon. We, like them, have turned to idols of our own making. We have let other things get in the way of our relationship with God. We have misplaced priorities and have lapsed into sin. 

God has given us so much, and we have loved it all so much, that we have let it come first. Good gifts that have good purposes have
 James 4:8
been elevated to idols in our lives. Left to ourselves, we can easily become consumed with selfishness and forget to put Him first. We spin in circles, going nowhere.

God knows us and knows we need His guidance and help. We need Him! He pursues us. He never forgets us even when we forget Him. He is always faithful to forgive. He calls us to come to Him. When we take that first step toward Him, He runs to meet us. 

How sweet it is to be back in our familiar routine at CBS; to open the scriptures next to our workbook and dig in to the Word of God. As we draw near to Him, He draws near to us. We were made for Him. 

We are home.

Originally presented to Leadership Counsel

Rutherfordton CBS – Day Class  9/20/17