Thursday, May 4, 2017


Cheryl Waddingham
Core Leader
          With life comes change.  With change comes fear, insecurity, sorrow, stress.  So what do you do? Hibernate?  Take no risks for fear of failing? Change will happen in your life.  It is not a matter of “if,” but “when.”  Let me share a little about the changes that have taken place in my life.

          In 1988, my husband, an administrator for a community college in Iowa, lost his job unexpectedly.  It was a time when jobs were hard to find, especially in the dead of winter in this small rural community. It became frustrating but, after months of applications and interviews, he got a job! Little did we know it would take us all the way to NC! 

          The move was a difficult one for my family.  Not only did we have to sell our dream house, we had to get rid of things we wanted. I was losing a job that I dearly loved. We had an exchange student living with us who had to return to Spain following his graduation and a former exchange student wanting to return to the area for one more visit before we left the community she called “home”.  We also had to find a place for our daughter to live while she waited to leave for college that fall. Our son was about to become a freshman in high school. Making the move even more difficult was knowing that my father-in-law only had months to live. Through many tears, much prayer and lots of adjustments, we made the move, and life was good again, thanks to our faith and assurance that God would see us through.

          In 2015, my faith was tested more than it ever had been.  A son’s divorce, the loss of my husband of 50 years, the loss of two very close friends (one on the day of my husband’s funeral), the loss of a niece to suicide, and one of the hardest to understand was the betrayal of a very close friend that I had trusted for many years.  My heart was broken and, on many days, I found myself sitting and starring into space, allowing time to pass by on its own.  I began reading self-help books and journaling daily, pouring out all my thoughts and hurts, and anger onto its blank pages.  Most of all, I prayed A LOT, waiting for the “new norm” in my life to take place. I began asking God to show me the direction I needed to go, to help me make wise choices and to use me to glorify His name.  As I searched through scripture, I was reminded in Romans 5:3 that we are to rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.
Romans 5:3

          It was at this time that I received a call about being a facilitator for CBS. Even though I felt God telling me to say “yes,” I wondered if it was still too soon to take on such a heavy responsibility. I questioned God’s motives. Why, then, was God telling me to say yes? Why was He moving me in a direction that not only made me accountable to CBS but also to the fifteen women He entrusted in my care?

          I did accept the call.  I must confess, as a new Core Leader this year, I found myself overwhelmed with all there is to know.  God began to open my eyes and I quickly learned that CBS was actually uplifting me in a spiritual renewal of myself!  It is through facilitating others that God has truly worked through me allowing time to heal in ways that I didn’t even know I needed healing.  Studying I and II Corinthians has been a wakeup call.  God has shown me through scripture and our sharing together the things that I needed to hear and learn and to do.  And in doing so, I have been able to shepherd my sheep through my life’s experiences because I have been where many women in CBS are right now.  I truly can relate to their pain and suffering as they share their stories with me. Their love and trust in me has been such a blessing.
Women Studying the Bible Together

          When we stay focused on Christ, nothing else really matters because he will meet our every need as 2 Samuel 22:7 reminds us - “I called to the Lord in my distress.  I called to my God. From His temple, He heard my voice.”

          I am sharing these life experiences with you today as a testimony that no matter how difficult life becomes, God will be there to see you through, if you just put your trust and faith in Him. I look forward to seeing what He has in store for me in the days ahead – a journey of changes to be embraced.  I thank God for the lessons learned through these “opportunities of faith,” knowing that he is in total control.  I don’t always understand why God calls me to do the things he does but I am reminded in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

          Prayer: “Gracious heavenly Father, You are so awesome.  When changes come into our lives, you are always there to comfort us and to pick us up; you listen when there are no words to say; you whisper sweet I love yous in our ears when we need them.  Help us to handle the changes that life gives us by leading us in what is good, true and right so that we can be of help to others, giving you all the honor and glory.  Amen.”