Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Spending Time with God this Summer

Judy Bond
As I have traveled this summer, spent time with children at home and away, spent many hours in the car, in doctor’s offices, vets, and dentists, spent time doing the mundane of cleaning out those places that I avoid all year, and spent time relaxing and reading, my schedule certainly has been different than during the CBS/school year.  It has been both a blessing and a challenge.  Where does God fit in all of it? 

There have been times that I have longed for alone time with God, and there have been those times that my cup runneth over (5 days at the Cove).  But, to be totally honest with you, it has been a challenge.  As I go from one suitcase to another, I am slowly learning ways of grabbing time with my Lord. If you are traveling on a plane, it is difficult to pack everything in a carry-on, let alone a devotional book.  Or, if you are going to the beach, the chaos of getting everyone in the car with all their favorite things, may have distracted you and kept you from bringing those books you wanted to take.

Here are some helpful tips that I have embraced this summer:  

       If you have a smart phone, an iPad or computer you can download your favorite devotional book onto it.  For instance, I like CBD Reader.  I go onto Christian Book Distributors and purchase e-books, such as "My Utmost for His Highest"by Oswald Chambers and "Enter His Gates" by Charles Stanley.  Then you get the CBD reader app, and it is always there waiting for you to tap into a devotional.  I even have a smaller phone, and read from there.  I have read devotionals and commentaries in all kinds of places this summer; a hospital bed while waiting for tests and a park bench in Ohio among others.  Having it at my fingertips made it easily accessible. You can also use I books, Kindle, and other readers.

       While traveling, I love to use the 106.9 radio app on my phone. As I celebrated my 30th wedding anniversary in Spain, I was able to listen to 106.9 while getting ready in the morning. Once you download the app, you can listen to the radio just like at home.

       A dear friend has changed my scripture memory.  She told me about the  scripturetyper app.  So far this week I have memorized two scripture verses thanks to this app.  It is fantastic.  It will even remind you to type it in as frequently as you wish.

       I also put the ESV Bible app on my phone.  It is from Crossway and downloads right to your phone.

       For prayer requests, I have used "Notes".  I prefer a pen and paper, but this summer that wasn’t working.  One morning I awoke at 5:30 and took a 6:00 am walk and my prayer journal was in my hands. That was probably the only morning I was up that early! There are many prayer apps that you can download. Search your app store to see what’s available and what will work best for you.

       I enjoy John McArthur's "Grace to You" app for getting some solid scriptural meat.         

       Enough technology for now!  What else can we do?  One of my most effective ways for prayer when I am around a bunch of people is sneaking off for a private walk whether that be at the beach, a local park, or just down the street.  It is a chance to disconnect from the world, and spend time with God.

       And if you are stuck in a bed or a chair, there is never a problem asking others to let you alone for 30 minutes. They may look at you funny, but we must please God first, then man.

       One of my favorite summer activities is to sneak away for a retreat.  If you are able, it is a great way to get refueled.  There are weekend retreats and there are longer ones at places like the Cove.  Many of you have programs in your churches; take advantage of them!

       Last, God knows your kids and grandkids are there.  He knows your schedule is upside down.  Embrace those moments!  Love on those that God puts into your life.  Shine Jesus!  If you wake in the middle of the night, God may just be giving you an opportunity to have time with Him alone.  Instead of complaining, embrace those quiet times and he will get you through your sleepy day!

        I hope and pray that you are all loving on the Lord by taking time to appreciate His wonders!  Embrace them...

Judy Bond
Teaching Director
Rutherfordton CBS-Day Class