Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Journey

Note: There is an issue with loading pictures to the blog. I'm working on fixing it and, hopefully, by the next post, we can have pictures again. Cathy

Devotion by Brenda Winker:

Several years ago, I went to a Lay Minister Commissioning Service at a local church. It was a small church with a regular attendance of around 25 people but they were a faithful few. My husband and I attended because two people from our church were being commissioned to co-pastor this little church.

I glanced at the printed Order of Service and the Friendship Choir would be presenting the music. I looked at the choir area and there were only a few people seated there. I noticed one in particular-an elderly lady. As we rose for a congregational hymn, the lady struggled to stand, but she made it. The sweet little old lady I’d noticed was part of the duet that followed the hymn. Once again, she struggled to get up. An older gentleman rose at the same time and walked over to her, escorting her to the microphone. They began to sing “There will be peace in the valley.”  Oh my, that feeble lady had the most beautiful and strong voice. I felt the sweetest spirit come over me as they sang. Their voices blended and all I could think was this must be what angels sound like. I was so deeply moved that tears began to roll down my cheeks and I felt the Holy Spirit fill that sanctuary. I thought to myself, these two saints are such genuine examples of faithful servants of God.

I was blessed by the two ministers that spoke that day. The first one, also an elderly man, spoke on “The Journey” from Deuteronomy 34:1-12. You’ll find this familiar since it was part of our last year’s study. He began by reading Deuteronomy 34:1-4

 Then Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, which was opposite Jericho. And the Lord showed him all the land, Gilead as far as Dan, and all of Naphtali, the land of Ephraim and Manasseh, all the land of Judah as far as the western Sea, the Negeb and the Plain, that is the Valley of Jericho the city of palm trees, as far as Zoar.”

The minister spoke of Moses and how he stood on the mountain top with God and God personally showed him a wonderful sight - The Promised Land. I was so moved. I could not imagine standing on a mountain top with God, our creator, and have Him personally show me where I had faithfully and obediently served Him and brought His people. What joy Moses must have felt. He didn’t enter the Promise Land but what he did get was wonderful face to face encounters with God. Moses stood with the Lord who personally showed him a panoramic view of Canaan. The minister’s point was that it wasn’t so much about Moses’ destination. It was about Moses’ journey with God. Moses had an extremely personal relationship with the Lord that continued to grow throughout the journey. We too can have a personal relationship with the Lord because of Jesus Christ and it will grow stronger in our journey with the Lord.

Then another pastor slowly but surely made his way to the podium and began to speak. It was clear to me as I watched his movements, that he had a serious health condition. This servant of God had had cerebral palsy all his life. But in spite of his poor health I recognized as he spoke that God had gifted him with an incredible ability to preach the Gospel. God equipped.

Moses faced uncertainty and difficulty throughout his journey but God equipped him with everything he needed. Moses was hesitant and faltered at times but he answered God’s call and He faithfully served Him.

God called those faithful servants that participated in that service and He equipped them to serve Him. God always equips us to do what He calls us to do. There have been times I’ve been hesitant and I faltered but God has always been there for me when I accepted His call to service and He equipped me to do His will. It has been in the journey that I recognized God’s hand at work in my life. It was in the journey that I grew to know and love Him more.

God called each of us and we answered yes to the call to serve in CBS this year. Little did we know that it would be in such a new and different way packed full of so much uncertainty. But just as God equipped the feeble elderly lady with the strong, beautiful voice and the minister with cerebral palsy the amazing ability to preach the gospel, God will equip us to faithfully serve Him in this year of uncertainty with a technology that is so unfamiliar to many of us. He will continue to replace any fear or uneasiness that some of us might have with confidence and trust in Him. We can fully rely on God to guide us and He will provide us with all that we need to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ this really different year.

We are not standing on a mountain top with God showing us a panoramic view of the Promised Land, but we do have His Holy Spirit living in us and His Holy Word that is filled with His promises. Hebrews 13:20-21 tells us

The God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, will equip us with everything so that we may do his will.”

Brenda Winker

Prayer Chair

Rutherfordton Day Class


Monday, April 27, 2020

It's time to register for the 2020-2021 Class
Community Bible Study
Rutherfordton Day Class
Rutherford and Surrounding Counties, NC

This is the 45th year for Community Bible Study. 
All classes this year will be studying 
the Gospel of John, the first study held by CBS in 1975.

It's important to register as soon as possible so that the Servant's Team can prepare. There is lots to do and many decisions to make based on the number of participants. If you are registering children, see the Registration Forms tab above.

See the Registration Forms tab in the header above 
to register by mail.

To register online, sign in to Fisher to find a Register button 
on the top right of the opening page. It's an easy process with simple directions to follow. After you register this way, Pam Hutchins will send you an email that asks if you want to pay by check or credit card. Again, follow the simple directions to complete your registration. You will receive a second 
email that confirms your registration.

If you have any problems or questions about the process, 
call Pam Hutchins at 828-287-7828. 

See you in September!

Monday, October 28, 2019

God, Our Rescuer

A Knight in
Shining Armor
Who doesn’t love a good story of rescue and redemption?  Happily-ever-afters are the best.  We long for them, don’t we? Too often our real-life story is filled with lots of missteps, mistakes and missed opportunities.  Often, we find ourselves a long way from a picture-perfect finish.  We are flawed, sinful people and we live in a world broken by sin with other flawed and sinful people.  That means lots of messy, problem filled lives.  How can we possibly make it thru? 

Many folks do a lot of pretending.  Pretending they are perfect.  “Everything is fine.  No problems in my life…my family…my marriage.”   Sounds great, but not a pain free way to live because all that pretend perfection is exhausting and pretty hard to keep up.  Sooner or later, that house of cards will fall, no matter how good you are at balancing.  Humans just are not perfect and pretend perfection is not satisfying.

Some people try to go thru the mess of life by numbing themselves with drugs, alcohol, excessive shopping, sex, destructive relationships or a host of other distractions, trying everything in an attempt to get some peace or relief. Most of us do a combination.  We vacillate between pretending we are living perfect, pain-free lives or we cave to the pressures of life and seek solace in the world’s bandaids.  None will ever lead to a happily ever after.  All you get is bigger problems on top of the problems you are trying to escape. Neither option is a real solution. 

The only solution is a real relationship with God; a genuine, honest relationship with the one who knows everything about you and loves you anyway.  God, who loves messy, flawed, sinful humans so much He died for us.  God doesn’t want a bunch of pretenders. Instead, He wants us to be willing to share our insufficiency with the world so He can be our sufficiency.  When we are honest about our need for Him, He shows himself faithful to us in every way.  A world full of hurting pretenders needs to see the real you: warts, scars and all with Jesus shining in and thru you, despite your imperfections and problems.  When we pretend and hide, we show our lack of faith in Him. 

We need to accept who we are in Christ.  He made us.  He defines who we are.  When we accept Jesus as Lord of our lives, we become part of God’s family.  We are daughters and sons of the Almighty God.  We aren’t perfect but He accepts us and loves us despite our flaws because of what Jesus did for us on the cross.  We need to believe what God says about us and be brave enough to show the world our real selves so we can share the love of Jesus with a world full of flawed people who need to know Him too. We need to accept that our identity comes from God and He really does love us.  That’s how we get a happy ending that’s really a happy beginning. 

From: Follow the Cloud by John Stickl:

In Jesus:

·         You are already loved—which means you have nothing to fear.

·         You are already forgiven—which means you have no debt to pay.

·         You are already his masterpiece—which means you are valuable.

·         You are already free—which means nothing can hold you back.

·         You are already accepted—which means you have nothing to prove.

·         You are already his beloved son or daughter—which means you are alive!

The roar from heaven says, “You’re mine.  You belong to me. And only I get to say who you are.”

Mighty warrior, it’s time to become who you already are.

Karen Long-Moore, Senior Leader

CBS Rutherfordton Day Class

Originally Presented to the Leadership 9/18/19

Saturday, September 14, 2019

News from Community Bible Study

More men, women and children are studying the Bible
 in Rutherford County, NC.

The 2019 - 2020 Community Bible Study Day Class started off with a bang on Wednesday, September 11, 2019, 
with 200 women (and men in the Agape Class) and 57 children.

 Our study this year is called:
"From the Red Sea to the Jordan River"
and moves us through Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers.

There is room for more people so invite your friends to join us. They can find a registration form to print out and complete by clicking the Registration Tab on this blog and then bringing it with them to class, or mailing it, along with $35.00, to Pam Hutchins, 207 Squirrel Den Rd, Rutherfordton, NC  28139.
-- OR --
Click here: and register online.

2019-2020 Rutherfordton Day Class 
Servants Team

Monday, August 13, 2018

News from Community Bible Study

Great News! 
Community Bible Study is growing!

More women in Rutherford County are studying the Word.

Now is the time to register for the 2018 – 2019 Class so the Leadership Team has time to provide Core Leaders and Children’s Leaders. We will be studying the Book of Acts.

Registration Forms are available on the Registration Forms tab of this blog. Click on the one you need (Adult or Children) and print it out. Fill in the information and mail the form and your $35.00 registration fee to:

Pam Hutchins

207 Squirrel Den Rd.

Rutherfordton, NC  28139

Children’s Forms may be handled the same way; however, The Children/Youth Coordinator will determine if there is room in the class for your child. The registration fee for children is $10.00.

See you on September 12, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. 
at Second Baptist Church,
191 Green Street, Rutherfordton, NC 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Do What God Tells You to Do

A few months ago, I visited the replica of Noah’s Ark The Ark was the length of one and a half football fields. The internal volume of the Ark was the equivalent of 569 train boxcars. Walking the Ark, from top and bottom, is like walking a football field nine times.

It took an incredible amount of faith to build the Ark. Who builds a boat in the desert? Who hammers away for 120 years on something they may never need? Who banks their entire future on something that has never happened before? Noah’s act of obedience literally changed the world. And obedience will change our world, too.  

Noah built the Ark because God commanded it. Day after day, he hammered and sawed as his act of obedience. With each daily act of obedience, he glorified God. The Bible tells us, “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:17


Noah did everything just as God commanded him. He walked with God, a step-by-step process. We are afraid of doing what we have never done because it’s unfamiliar territory. So, we leave the new
2 Corinthians 5:7
gifts unclaimed, the new authority, new anointing, and new dreams and visions God wants to give us. We want a money-back guarantee before we take a leap of faith, but that eliminates faith from the equation. We are called to “walk by faith and not by sight.” II Corinthians 5:7

“What is the favor of God?” It’s God doing for you what you cannot do for yourself. It opens doors of opportunity. It turns opposition into support. The Bible says, “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52

Instead of being content with the level of favor you enjoy today, ask God for an increase. How do we find favor? Obedience! It begins by surrendering your life to Christ. “No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” Psalm 84:11

Favor s not limited to the spiritual realm. In Noah’s life, God’s favor translated into ingenious inventions. It doesn’t matter what you do, God wants to help you do it well. He will bless you beyond your ability and your resources.  As long as you need man’s approval, God is limited in what He can do through you. Faith is the willingness to look foolish. That’s why faith and humility go hand in hand.

Noah looked foolish building an Ark on dry land.

Sarah looked foolish believing she would conceive a baby at ninety years of age.

David and Goliath
Moses looked foolish asking Pharaoh to let the Israelites go.

David looked foolish attacking Goliath with a slingshot.

The results speak for themselves. Noah stayed afloat during the flood. Sarah gave birth to Isaac. Moses delivered Israel out of Egypt. David defeated Goliath. Faith is acting as if God has already answered our prayers, even if it takes 120 years.

Success is not just about getting where God wants you to go, it’s about who you become in the process.


Victoria Logan

Originally presented to the Leadership Council


CBS – Rutherfordton Day Class

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Words and Water

A Refreshing Glass
of Ice Water
What a difference our words can make, for good or for bad, and that led me to think about how water can be an analogy to words. Words can be, like water, either a blessing or a curse. When you are hot, tired and thirsty, a cool glass of water can truly be a blessing that cools and refreshes. It’s essential to life and it can be harnessed for work to provide power for operating grist mills and hydroelectric power plants.

Too much water, too fast, can be destructive and contaminated water, deadly. We are in the middle of this historically bad Atlantic hurricane season and have seen hurricanes named Harvey, Irma and Maria. They have brought death, sorrow, destruction, and despair to many people. The storm surge is often as dangerous as the wind and pressure canges.

Like water, our words can be harnessed for good or they can be a
destructive force. A friend recently told me how a meaningful friendship had been torn apart with words. That relationship looks to be permanently broken. I could hear the heartache in my friend’s voice as she shared her pain.

This week’s Bible study is titled, “Warning and Judgement.”* Scripture is a resource God provides to warn us of various spiritual dangers and avoid common pitfalls. Like a good parent, God tries to prepare us ahead of time for what we can expect in life.

A warning verse from James 1:26 (ESV) says,

“those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.”

Later in James 3:10 (NIV) we’re warned,

“Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.”

I expect that we have all said things we shouldn’t and been convicted to seek repentance and forgiveness.

Our words reveal our inner selves, even when we don’t mean for them to. Jesus speaks in Matthew 12:34b (NIV),

“For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.”

This is why we are encouraged to think about things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable, anything that is excellent or praiseworthy. When we choose to focus on growing closer to God and making his priorities our own, our attitudes and words will show it.

We have been talking about regular spoken words, regular language…but John1:1 (NIV) tells us, somewhat cryptically,
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

Here, he’s talking about Jesus. Jesus as the Word, who was also God, and who spoke creation into existence. Now that’s a powerful word! We can begin to see that as we are being transformed by scripture and the Holy Spirit at work in us, we can tap into that power. When we invite others to Bible study, or share words of the Gospel message, or we uplift and encourage others, when we speak words of confession and repentance, when we ask God to help us deal with our anger and selfishness in ways that are pleasing to Him, then we are using our words in ways that are a blessing to us and that bring glory to God.
May it be so in each of our lives this week.

Camille Wheeler

Originally presented to Leadership Council

CBS - Rutherfordton Day Class

* Return to Jerusalem, Lesson 3